How to Set Variants in Products

How to Set Variants in Products

Here's a step-by-step guide for setting variants in products in ScalePrint Designer & Variants:

  1. Step 1: Go to Customizable Products

    Navigate to the Product Designer in the left menu.
    It will redirect you to the customizable product page.
    Click on the "Add a new customizable product" button in the upper right corner.

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  2. Step 2: Select The Product

    It will open a window which displaying all shopify products of store.
    Select the product you want to add variants to (e.g., T-shirt Combo Product which has a variant of Color).

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  3. Step 3: Set Design Area

    After selecting a product, you will be redirected to the Set Design Area.
    Click on "Set Design Area", provide the width and height, then click "Add Design Area".
    Adjust the design area and save it by clicking the "Save Design" button.

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  4. Step 4: Set Variants

    Select "Set Variants" to add variants.

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  5. Step 5: Select Variants

    After clicking on "Set Variants", a window will display the variants added in Shopify.
    Select all the colors or other variants and click the "Next" button.
    Add images according to the variants and click "Go to Preview".
    Then Click on "Save" button for saving all changes.

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  6. Step 6: Publish Product

    Click the "Publish" button in the upper right corner.
    Confirm publication by selecting "Publish" again in the popup.
    It will show a new popup of "Product Published" then select "OK".

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  7. Step 7: Customization

    Click on the "View Product" button to view the product.
    Click on the "Customize" button.
    In the customization view, click on "Variants" from the left menu options.
    Check each variant by clicking on them one by one.

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  8. Step 8: Add to Cart

    Click on the "Add to Cart" button.
    Confirm and proceed by selecting your color and quantity (e.g., orange color, quantity 2).
    Click on "Add to Cart" again to be redirected to the cart where you can see your selected product.

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Congratulations! You have successfully set variants for your product.

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